Hemp Facts

Here are just a few Economic & Environmental benefits that hemp provides:

Hemp is the second-fastest-growing plant on earth after bamboo.

Hemp is a cheaper alternative for construction. Hemp-based material that can be used to replace wood has much lower manufacturing costs. The hemp material is more robust, lighter, and more durable than wood.

Hemp clothing is more durable and more cost efficient than cotton clothing. Hemp fibre is ten times stronger than cotton, therefore, lasts much longer. Also, growing cotton requires more pesticide use, so substituting hemp for cotton would reduce the economic and environmental impact of pesticides.

Hemp, unlike its substitutes, can be grown in diverse locations with few resources. Hemp grows very densely, so farmers can produce more hemp per acre of farmland. Because of this dense growth, there is less space for weeds to sprout up, reducing the time and effort that farmers spend to eliminate weeds.

Hemp produces sustainable and low-cost fuel. This can be offered as a replacement for non-renewable energy sources and benefit us both economically and environmentally.

Hemp-based paper is another product that is superior to its substitutes both in cost and environmentally friendliness. Hemp paper is brighter, more durable, and lasts longer than tree-based paper. Also, hemp paper is so naturally bright that it does not require bleaching, which releases harmful toxins into the environment. Hemp paper can be recycled and reused up to eight times, which far exceeds tree-based paper 3 recycle uses.

On a global stage, hemp can help impoverished communities nutritionally and economically. Hemp is affordable, healthy, and sustainable. Not only would hemp farming allow communities to become well-fed and healthier, but it would also introduce more jobs and increase economic viability.

Hemp is an effective CO2 sequester. Hemp sequesters carbon dioxide more effectively than trees. It is one of the fastest natural CO2 biomass conversion tools and is as efficient as a tropical rainforest. So, hemp eliminates a significant amount of waste, offsetting carbon-intensive building material while providing a long-term carbon store.